Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – Symptoms and Treatment

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD is a mental illness in which people get recurring unwanted thoughts and sensations (obsession), or the urge to do something over and over again (compulsion). This is the common sign of OCD, but some people can have both obsession and compulsion.

OCD is not about having the habits of biting your nails all the time or negative thoughts, but an obsessive thought might be that certain numbers are good or bad. The compulsive disorder might be to wash your hand several times a day. You have no control over what you are doing, not even you are liking it, but you are simply doing it.

The repetitive behavior of hand washing, cleaning things, or checking on things can significantly affect an individual’s daily activities and social interactions.

It is common for OCD people to have disturbing thoughts and repetitive behaviors. However, these thoughts or behavior do not interrupt their daily activities. For them thought are persistent and behaviors are rigid. While some people with OCD know or suspect their thoughts are not realistic, others may consider them to be true. Even those who know their thoughts are not realistic but they have no control over it. They have difficulties in disengaging from the obsessive thoughts and stopping compulsive thoughts.

Everyone has the thoughts that are repetitive sometimes, but with people with OCD have the common actions or thoughts that: –

  • Take up for at least an hour a day
  • You have no control over it
  • Are not enjoyable
  • Affect or interrupt your social life, personal life, and professional life

OCD Types and Symptoms

OCD comes in various forms, but the most common types fall under the four general categories that are mentioned below: –


You always keep checking on things like locks, alarm systems, ovens, lights switch, or thinking you have medical conditions like pregnancy or schizophrenia.


A fear of things that might be dirty and keep cleaning everything. Persistent worry about the pests and sickness, feeling dirty or unclean, compulsion to get rid of the things that you find or think are dirty.

Symmetry and ordering

Extreme need for items and belongings to be aligned in a certain way.

Forbidden thoughts

An obsession with line of thoughts. Some of these thoughts might be disturbing and violent as well.

Obsession and Compulsion

Many people with OCD know that their thought and behaviour are not realistic and doesn’t make any sense, yet they can’t stop themselves from doing it. They have no control over it. And if somehow they stop, they feel so bad that they start doing it again.

Types of obsessions

  • Feeling of getting hurt
  • Feeling of getting contaminated due to harmful environment
  • Disturbing sexual thoughts
  • Constant awareness of blinking, breathing, and other body sensations
  • Fear of losing something important

Types of compulsions

  • Repeated cleaning of household and other objects
  • Ordering or arranging items in a certain way
  • Doing a particular thing every time or a good numbers of time
  • Fear of doing some particular things like using public toilets, touching door knobs, etc.
  • Repeatedly checking locks, appliances, etc.

OCD causes and risk factors

Don’t are not sure why people have OCD. But, stress can make the symptoms worse. OCD are most common in women than men. And teens and young adults are more affective with OCD.

OCD risk factors may include the following: –

  • Depression, anxiety, tics
  • Trauma
  • History of physical and sexual abuse
  • Physical differences in certain parts of your brain

How is OCD Diagnosed?

If you or any of your loved ones have OCD symptom then you must see to a mental healthcare provider. They can diagnose OCD and work to find the most effective treatment.

A mental healthcare provider will ask you some questions to know more about the symptoms you are experiencing. Also, he would know whether it is causing distress, and how much time they take up each day.

Apart from this, he will do a physical test by taking blood test to know if something else is causing the symptoms. He will know about your feelings, thoughts, and habits. To diagnose OCD, the symptoms should affect your daily activities at least an hour of your day. Your medical health advisor then note the group of symptoms you experience as not all the OCD treatments have the same benefits of all types of symptoms.

After this the doctor can plan or find the right treatment for you.

OCD Treatment

There’s no cure for OCD. So, the medical experts use therapy, medication, or the combination of two to help you manage the symptoms of OCD that affects your life. OCD treatments may include: –

  • Psychotherapy
  • Relaxation
  • Neuromodulation
  • Medication
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation

OCD related symptoms

Some other conditions are similar to OCD and such things involve the obsessions like: –

  • Your looks
  • Physical illness
  • Excoriation (picking at your skin)
  • Collecting, arranging, or ordering things
  • How you smell

The bottom line

There’s no particular symptoms of OCD, but this can be present in many different ways. Also, it is possible to have OCD combined with other mental conditions like schizophrenia, anxiety, a tic disorder, etc.

No matter what symptoms you have, treatments can help you.

With the right treatment your OCD symptoms can improve. Getting right treatment from best the psychiatrist near you can help you improve your condition, day-to-day activities of life, and quality of life.

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Understanding the Main Causes of Depression

Do you know anyone suffering from depression? It is hard to understand their suffering until and unless you yourself have that condition.



Once super energetic Rajiv suddenly found himself cut off from the crowd. Nobody knew why this was happening to him. You never know when that condition slowly creeps into one’s life and turns it upside down. Till you come to know what is happening, things are already out of your hands. So, it is very essential to acknowledge this particular condition than start with the treatment right away.

What is depression?

Low mood that lingers day and night and the person suffering from depression simply cuts himself off from the rest of the bunch. There are many symptoms that are associated with the depression like having episodes of apathy or sadness, negative personality, signs of weakness, loss of interest in life altogether and so many others. These symptoms can last for two consecutive weeks or more and are so severe that they can disrupt the daily routine completely.

With so much modernisation and unhealthy lifestyle, has made depression a common occurrence and a big public health issue that is treatable. There have been many programs launched to spread awareness regarding this condition. Sometimes depression takes a wrong turn and can lead a person to commit suicide. The lack of pleasurable thoughts and grave feeling of worthlessness can make it very hard for the person in question to get out of it. Some of the physical symptoms to look out for in a depressed are:

  • Insomnia, especially if a person is waking up in early morning hours
  • Decreased energy and fatigue
  • Excessive sleep or too much lethargy
  • Headaches, cramps, headaches, or any other health issues that don’t go away with the treatment.

Rajiv did not understand initially what was happening to him. His body used to ache continuously, and he lost all interest in his day to day activities. Even after visiting numerous doctors he couldn’t get a satisfying result. It was then, that somebody suggested him to meet the best psychiatrist in Delhi. At first, he was reluctant, because of the stigma attached with the psychiatric treatment. It took him some time to get over the taboo and give this therapy a chance. As depressed person feels every small health problem to be a chronic pain, it is difficult to pinpoint the actual cause of the issue.

It is all related to the chemicals in the brain that play a major role in influencing pain and mood. If you treat it on time, you may get over this condition quickly. All you need to do is have a strong will and find the root cause of your depressed conditions. There are many triggers that makes your depression return to you in full magnitude.

Biology behind the state of depression?

There have been many studies related to depression that has kept scientists and researchers awake day and night. Researchers have studied the changes in brain caused by the clinical depression and they have found out that the state of depression largely affects the hippocampus, where the memories are stored. This memory cabinet shrinks in people with a history of depression. Smaller the size of hippocampus, the lesser will the count of serotonin receptors. This chemical in the brain is an essential neurotransmitter that helps you feel emotions mostly the good ones.

It is hard to say why the hippocampus shrinks to a smaller size in people fighting depression but one main reason behind this could be cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that gets secreted in huge quantity when someone is in depressed state. This has a shrinking or toxic effect on the development of the storage house or the hippocampus. Now, this is all just a theory and very little has been proven.

One thing that most researchers agree on is that depression is a highly complicated illness that has numerous contributing factors. One thing is for sure that giving anti-depressants can have a neurotropic effect on people helping the brain cells to establish stronger bonds. This is only possible if the causes of the depression in a person can be diagnosed in time. Only then will it be possible for the doctor to prescribe effective treatment methods to the patients.

Also Read: How to Know You Need to See a Psychiatrist

Causes of the depression

As we know that depression is a highly complicated disease, it may not be easy to understand the root cause of this state in a person. It took Rajiv’s doctor two sessions to understand what was causing this problem in him as it can occur due to variety of reasons.

Drastic life changes, death of a loved one, or any other reasons could trigger bouts of depression in a person. Lets’ check out some of the causes of depression.


Whether it is physical, mental, or even sexual abuse, people having such a past are more susceptible to having clinical depression. Emotional abuse makes you more vulnerable to the state of depression in later stages of life. It’s like a supressed emotion that rears its head when you are going through a tough phase


This is a major cause of depression in new mothers. Most mothers after childbirth go through this state of depression. It is firstly due to the physical changes and drastic drop in hormones like progesterone and estrogen. As the thyroid gland starts secreting less of hormones that leads to emotional issues, depression, and other problems. Many mothers don’t know how to deal with the whole scenario and new responsibilities and end up feeling depressed.

There are effective treatments available in psychiatry and they have been helping many moms get their lives back on track.

Certain medications

You won’t believe that simple medication for acne like Isotretinoin can cause depression. Just like this, there are numerous medications that can have depressive effect on your mood. Some of them are diazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam, temazepam, and benzodiazepines. These are usually used to treat insomnia and anxiety but also give you depression. Other than these corticosteroids, antiviral- interferon alpha can increase the risks of depression.


This is a common reason for depression. Having a conflict with the near and dear ones can make you vulnerable towards depression. A break up or fight in a relationship is also one of the top causes of severe depression in most people.


Death is one thing that most people can’t accept. It is hard for people to get their life together after someone close to them leaves for heavenly abode. Even if it is natural but it could become very severe is some of the people. Loss of anyone close to you can trigger some serious hidden trauma and that could lead to serious episode of depression.

Genetical issues

Some of us may have inherited this complex state from our ancestors. That is in our genes. A family history of depression can come down to you as well. Let’s understand the genetics of depression.

It is mostly like a psychiatric disorder, a complex ball of different genes contributing to bring out small effects on the surface. Scientists believe that 40% of people suffering from depression can be traced back through genetic links and rest 60% is due to environmental and other factors. Basically, chromosome 3p25-26 is said to be the recurring culprit is family genetic depression.

Drastic events in life

Any major changes, whether it be good or bad can lead to depression. Getting married, graduation, starting a new career or moving to a new place can trigger depression in a person. Some of the negative events such as fear of losing job, retiring, getting divorce can also set you in a phase of depression. It is never a simple or normal response to any drastic events in the life.

Substance abuse

It has been recorded that more than 30% of people having substance abuse issues also suffer from clinical depression. The alcohol and drugs can make you happy and relaxed for a little while but makes you vulnerable to having serious bouts of depression. They aggravate the situation many folds in later stages of life.

Accidents or health issues

It has happened too many of us who have met with an accident or are seriously ill. This leads to depression as they start thinking that this state is a dead end. Bed-ridden state can make you depressed. Any other medical condition that doesn’t allow you too much of activities starts making you feel worthless. This is why, most patients have to undergo counselling session to avoid getting depressed.

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8 Types of Psychotic Disorders That Need Immediate Medical Attention

Psychotic Disorders

Almost 3 out of 100 people are said to experience psychosis, a stepping stone towards psychotic disorders. Psychosis leads to impairment of lifestyle caused by hallucinations, delusions, and confusion. Psychotic disorder is a wide spectrum of disorders that may or may not go through the process of psychosis.

According to the best psychiatrist in Rohini, it is normal for people to confuse certain medical issues with disorders. Sometimes people may ignore a serious psychotic disorder lurking under a common headache or worries. To clear your doubts it is best to reach out to a good psychiatrist who can help you understand a particular condition, and help you get out of it.

For proper diagnosis, the best psychiatrist in Delhi go for three tests:

  • A physical examination in which the doctor will look for physical ailments;
  • Lab tests, which includes blood profile and screening for drugs or alcohol;
  • Last is the psychological evaluation where patients’ behavior patterns are studied with others.

Here, is a list of a few psychotic disorders that will need the immediate attention of a psychiatrist. You can check for the symptoms and their types to understand these disorders in detail.

Neuro developmental Disorders

A specific group of disorders that affects the development of the central nervous system is referred to as Neuro-developmental disorders. This could include developmental brain dysfunction that could impair learning, motor skills, non-verbal and verbal communications. These disorders can affect infants and kids before they start school.

ADHD is one common disorder of this group. Some other diseases in this group are autism, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, and hearing and vision impairment.

The diseases in this group can be diagnosed by assessing the behavior and characteristic symptoms. This can be further confirmed by genetic testing as well.

Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders

In this group of psychotic disorders,one experiences a wide range of extreme symptoms and gradually lose contact with reality. People diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders often face hallucinations, abnormal or catatonic behavior, delusions, disorganized behavior, speech, and thinking.

This group includes various disorders such as delusional disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, brief psychotic disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and in some cases, psychosis related to medical or substance use.

To diagnose it,doctors take psychiatric and medical history into consideration. It may include physical examination, MRI scans, and blood tests to distinguish the symptoms from drug use or physical illness.

Bipolar and Related Disorders

Intense and extreme emotional condition is the best way to describe bipolar disorders. It is mainly divided into three main conditions:

  • Cyclothymic disorder
  • Bipolar I
  • Bipolar II

In this state, people go through mood episodes that are categorized as depressive, hypomanic, or manic. The episodes experience periods of excessive activity, energy, and excitement.

The most common cause of this group of the disorder is the chemical imbalance in the brain. Neurotransmitters, which include chemicals like serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine, if increases or decreases creates an imbalance. This can lead to bipolar disorders. They are also considered to be a genetic disease.

Depressive Disorders

It is a type of mental health disorder that causes loss of interest in regular activities and persistently depressed moods. This causes impairment in daily life and can be a result of a psychological, biological, and social source of sadness. These factors bring drastic changes in brain functions that results in a changed activity of the neural circuits inside the brain.

This group of disorders includes psychotic depression, major depression, postpartum depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and situational depression.

Anxiety Disorders

Are you facing excessive worry or fear? Then it is best to consult a psychiatrist right away. These symptoms and more such as difficulty in concentrating or breathing, staying still can be pointing towards anxiety disorders. One in every 7 Indians suffers from anxiety disorders and its common symptoms are fear, panic, and uneasiness.

This group of disorders contains panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and different types of phobias. Social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia are other disorders belonging to this group.

This is associated with different diseases such as thyroid problems, respiratory disorders, diabetes, heart issues, drug misuse, etc. So, it is very important to diagnose it on time.

Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

There are two main categories in this group of psychiatric disorders and they are:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Acute stress disorder

Earlier these disorders were considered to be anxiety disorders, but now after extensive research doctors have come to distinguish between them. Among them, PTDS is a commonly occurring disorder in men and women, which can occur at any age.

Another one is adjustment disorder, which is not that severe and most common of them all.

Dissociative Disorders

Group of mental disorders, that are associated with a lack of continuity between thoughts come under dissociative disorders. People, who have this disorder often start experiencing disconnection between the surroundings, identity, actions, thoughts, and memories.

This disorder disrupts a person’s sense of self and is said to experience dissociative identity disorder. They have a problem with everyday functioning and lead an unhealthy and involuntary life. The three types of dissociative disorders are:

  • Dissociative amnesia
  • Dissociative identity disorder
  • Depersonalization disorder

There are successful treatments available one of which is psychotherapy. Many people overcome the symptoms of this disorder and improve their ability to function properly in life. Another treatment involves cognitive behavioral therapy.

Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders

Also known as somatoform or somatization disorder, the somatic symptom has incapacitating and distressing physical issues without any medical cause. They come in various forms:

  • Digestive symptoms
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Pain
  • Sexual symptoms and such others

Previously it was known as hypochondriasis or factitious disorder, in which people without any medical issues think they are sick. It depends upon the extent to which the person is experiencing the symptom through behaviors, feelings, and thoughts.

The psychotic disorder is like an umbrella with a wide range of disorders classified under it. Some can be overcome by better motivation and self-assessment, but others need the support and assistance of a good psychiatrist.

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Easy Ways to Worry less and Get Rid of Anxiety

Get Rid of Anxiety

Do you always feel anxious and worry, no matter what the scenario is? The average person spends 80 percent of the time thinking or regretting about his past and worried about the future. But, when these things start affecting your everyday work and life then it’s neither good for your physical health not mental health.

We always worry about our problems. But what does it do? Does it helps in solving the problems or does it make them even worse?

Well, worrying is not the problem solving tactic that should be adopted by anyone.  How something will end up will never depends on how much you worry about it.

People worry about the three most common things like – Love, career and money. Apart from these, there are small things that also bothers people and make them feel stressed like passing a test, cracking an interview, missing something important, passing a deadline, etc.

But, worrying about these thing are not going to help you. You will have to find the real solution instead of just worrying and affecting your mental as well as physical health.

If you want to worry less and start living a stress-free life then here are few tips that are tried and tested and gives good result.

Simple Ways to Worry Less

Acknowledge It

You shouldn’t ignore what’s happening inside you. Trying to ignore what’s worrying you will not resolve the issue but it will only let it fester. If you are tensed and worried then acknowledge it. Do not just ignore it but acknowledge that you don’t have any control over the situation. In simple words don’t own your worries. They often very different from the reality of the situation and sometimes your own assumptions is what kills you from inside.

Think About Worrying Differently

Taking stress or feeling worried is quite normal, but in extreme cases the things can go wrong. Think about what and how your worry can help in resolving the issues or problems that you are facing? Think what does worry serve? Can it help in resolving the problem, or prevent it from happening? If you don’t find the good cause of taking stress then it’s time to think about worrying differently.

Have a To-Do-List

When you have nothing to do then you actually get more time to think. You will always think about the same thing or the same scenarios that have triggered stress or worry in your life. One of the best you can do to overcome this situation is having a to-do-list. And also set a deadline for this so that you can really get yourself involved in completing the tasks that are unmarked on your do-to-list. This will keep you away from thinking anything that bothers and prevent from doing destructive things.

Read a Book

Most of the time people feel stressed when they go to their bed at night. So, instead of thinking something destructive, simply read a book until you don’t fall asleep. You can read any book even a cookbook. This will help you to think differently and divert your mind from the thoughts that are bothering you. And if you can’t read a book then you can use that cookbook to try a new recipe for the next day.

Tell Someone

If you have any friends or someone you can trust on then go and share your feelings. Tell them why you are worried or tensed. What is killing you from inside? What is it that don’t let you sleep, or you thinking all the time? Let someone help to lift up you before you slide down.

Write it down

If you think you cannot share your problems with someone or is it too personal that can’t be shared to anyone, or you can’t let anyone to know about this then write down everything that are causing worry and stress. This will help you to closely know the real problem you should be worried about and also the ones that hyped up fear. Bringing words from your brain to your dairy or on a paper will help to calm the chaos in your mind.


Doing exercises or meditation is not only good for your physical health condition, but affects your mind as well. Meditation provides you peace of mind and calms you. Slowly you would start feeling positivity around you. It soothes your mind. We all must do exercise for at least half an hour daily.And if not this, you can simply do a few of the easiest exercises like jumping jacks, dancing, etc.

Is It a Fact or Fiction?

It is important to know that the things that are bothering you are real or just your assumptions. For this you can make a chart. On the extreme left corner write worries you’re having. In the next column write fact or the real evidences that you have to support or justify your anxiety. If you feel you have no real evidences to support your beliefs then this means the things you are worried for, are just imaginary. And knowing this will reduce half of the worries you have.

If the worries or stress you have left untreated then this may result into anxiety attack. Then you will have to consult to a psychiatrist, who will diagnose the mental illness and prescribe the medication or psychotherapy for the treatment. Worrying for a few things is normal but, your stress or anxiety can get worse over time. This may start interfering your daily work activities. Hence, you should take necessary steps in order to reduce your stress.

So, next time when you feel yourself overwhelmed with worries and stress then you can do the above-mentioned things to reduce worry. Just take a deep breath and know that worrying for anything is normal, you just know what changes you have to make in the way you think that will reduce your stress.

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Your mental health is your overall psychological well-being. This is why it’s important to take care of your mental health like how you feel about yourself as well as the ability to do anything. Most people consider seeking mental health professional help for mental health support and treatment. But, in case you want to improve your mental health by yourself then you can add doing the following things in your life to enjoy your life to the fullest: –


An empty mind is devil’s workshop. This means that an idle and unoccupied mind always engages in something disruptive and destructive. This gives you only negative thoughts also produces nothing productive. When you keep yourself busy in other works then you keep yourself away from thinking any destructive things. Hence, it is suggested to have a schedule. If you are student or employee then you must have your daily routine and you must be knowing what things you need to do, but if you have nothing to do then create one for yourself.

Make a to-do-list of the day and do just anything but productive that can keep you busy throughout the day. When you will be tired either mentally or physically then it will get you get a better sleep at night without any troubles. Having a routine in place helps your mental health in more ways than just one.


People use their smart phones for so many things, so why don’t you take advantage of it. Play music in your phone or download different apps, music soothes or calms your mind. Even if you are very tired one good music can help you relaxed and refreshes your mind. This should be the first thing you can do in the morning – listening to music. But, it is advised to listen the rock or party music that can uplift your mood and makes you dance. Sad songs and music are just not allowed for you to listen if you are mentally disturbed or not feeling well mentally. You can play music the whole day while cooking, doing housework, office work, exercising or even while walking outdoors.


Do you know how much reading books or blogs can affect your mind? It’s not only the music that calms your mind, but, reading other success stories, tips, tricks, life hacks, etc. can also help you with your own mental health. There’s a lot of books that you can read and also now you can read stories, fashion tips and tricks on website’s blog.


If you will love yourself then you will never get depressed. It may not very easy for you to love your own self, but this is really important to have mental peace in life. Once you will start loving yourself you will eventually start taking self-care. There are so many ways of taking care of yourself. Go for parlor sittings, start morning jogs or go on evening walk, have a nice hot bath, eating good food, intake nutrients, watch a good or comedy film with friends, go on outing, go on shopping, listen to music, etc. are the best way to take care of yourself. Self-care is majorly important when you are not feeling good from inside.


Supplements are good to provide you required energy and also improve your mood when needed. In fact, many people have shared their experiences of how they manage their mental health and almost every person has voted for supplements as the life extension. So, it depends on each individual that what supplements they should take, but Vitamin D3, I000IU, and 250 Capsules are the best for ones who do not get a lot of exposure to the sun and work from home. Well, most people are nowadays working from home. So, they should take these supplements. Vitamin D supplements also helpful in boosting energy that helps in both mental health and chronic illness.


You must keep the alternative thoughts ready to yourself. You know that we humans are awash with negative thoughts. No matter how hard you would try, negative thoughts are always in the first place. But, you can immediately change it with alternate thoughts. For ex- Sometimes we come to a stage where we get an anxiety attack or feeling too low that time you must keep a thought like “don’t worry everything will be okay, you have managed such things earlier also so, relaxed you can handle this too”.


Everybody has certain goals in their life, which they want to achieve. Most people achieve it with hard work and dedication, but some easily get broken if they face some difficulties and this make them anxious and later this turns into mental illness. So, you need to be very calm but hardworking towards achieving your goals. Don’t set a date to achieve your goals this will do nothing but make even tougher for you to achieving your goals.

And if you have no goals then set your goals this will keep you busy in reaching your goals and then you can actually stay away from negative thoughts and anxiety.


Don’t think that talking about your mental health to your friends or family members will make you a mental illness patient. Most people think they would be judged by others if they will talk about their mental condition, but it isn’t like that. Talking about your problems with others and especially a mental health professional will help you to face your problems and come over it. That’s why we would definitely recommend you to talk to other peoples about your mental health. It’s not necessary to meet the mental health professional, you can talk to your friends and not necessarily the ones who know you in real, but also to strangers on the internet. Instead of keeping the problems to yourself and letting them bothering you, it’s good to talk about them with others and get the right solutions to deal with them.


Walking in the forest, garden or parks, hearing birds chirping, watching the sun dance on the lake, all these things can refresh your mind and improve your mental health greatly. If you don’t trust us then just spend a few minutes sitting in nature, you yourself would realize how beautiful nature can be and how different you can actually feel with nature. Even if you can’t go outside and find such serene place where you can feel the beauty of the nature then you can just go to your terrace and watch the beautiful sky with twinkling stars and feel the amazing beauty of nature. You will surely feel healed or relaxed.


There’s nothing bad in crying out loud. In fact, crying is good for your health because you actually relieve countless toxins and hormones that contribute to elevate the stress level. So, absolutely fine to cry and punch your pillow. Just accept what you lost in your life. Don’t try to bottle up everything and keep inside you. This way you will do nothing but increase your stress level. Whether you want to share it with someone or cry out loud, just do anything that will make you feel better without harming anyone. It’s important to accept the things you are going through or your feelings, rather than sweeping it under the carpet.


Exercise or yoga has always been amazing for your mental health. You can start doing yoga that is amazing for mental peace. And if not then simply start going on a morning jog or evening walk, you will start feeling better and confidence of course.

These are probably the best things you can do to relax and manage your mental health. But, in case you are not feeling good at all and feeling helpless then do not worry as mental health professionals like psychiatrists are just a call away from you. They are 24/7 available to help you. Call the best psychiatrist in Rohini or a mental health professional to manage your mental health.

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When Is Stress and Illness?

stress and illness

Do you think that stress is an illness? Does it needs to get treated by the psychiatrist or psychologist? Well, in this article we are going to discuss all about stress and whether it is illness or not.

Stress affects all of us. You may notice the symptoms of stress like busy times at work, coping with a challenging relationship, disciplining your kids, managing your finances, etc. You can see that stress is everywhere. Sometimes it is good to have stress due to which we get some good results but, over stress may cause serious problems both mentally and physically. So, it is really important to know when the stress becomes illness and needs to get treated immediately.

To know whether we are stressed or not, we will have to look for the symptoms of stress. But, recognizing the stress symptoms may be harder than you think because we people are so used to being stressed that we don’t have any idea that we are stressed until we reached at the breaking point. So, the first thing that we must talk about is the ‘Stress’ itself. You should know what stress is and which stress you can presume good and which as bad.

What is Stress?

Stress is a feeling of emotional and physical tensions. This is actually your body’s reaction of any harmful situations or event, which can be both real and perceived. Stress can come from situation or event that make you feel frustrated, angry or nervous. Sometimes stress can have a positive effect too such as when it helps you to avoid any danger and meet a deadline. But, if it lasts longer and there’s no reason left to take stress then it can harm your health.

Two Types of Stress

So, there are basically two types of stress that every person should know in order to know what type of stress they have so they can how to treat it.

  1. Acute Stress
  2. Chronic Stress

Now, let’s see what is acute stress and chronic stress. How to differentiate between these two and what are the ways to get rid of them

What is Acute Stress?

Acute stress is a short-term stress and most of the people affected with acute stress. This type of stress goes away quickly and usually occurs when you have a fight with your partner, busy schedule at work, etc. This helps you manage some dangerous situations in life and also to complete your work on time. You can also have acute stress when you will do something new, exciting and adventurous. This means, all people have acute stress on time or another and there’s nothing so serious about it.

What is Chronic Stress?

Chronic stress lasts for longer period of time. And this type of stress people have when they have money problem, dealing with a bad marriage or relationship, work load, etc. Any type of stress that lasts for a long period of time like weeks and months then it is chronic stress. And due to its longevity people don’t understand that it is a problem. If not treated on time then it may cause some serious health and mental problems.

So, how to know you are too much stressed and you should immediately look for psychiatrist. Well, here we are telling you the symptoms of the stress that tells it is now illness. Too much stress can cause physical and emotional symptoms. So, you will have to see the following changes in your body to know you are too much stressed in your life and it can be illness:

  • Diarrhea or Constipation
  • Stomach upset
  • Frequent aches and pain
  • Forgetting things easily
  • Lack of energy
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Using alcohol and drugs to relax
  • Headaches

If you are facing these then you are stressed and it must be chronic stress, because acute stress does not lasts for longer.

Your doctor will diagnose the stress by asking some questions to know about your life events. This will help the doctor to know what actually had triggered the stress in your life. Doctors usually not prescribe medicine unless they are treating underlying illness such as anxiety disorder and such situation the doctors prescribe antidepressants to the patient. But, this only mask the stress instead of helping the person to deal with it. And if you want to manage it instead of consulting the best psychiatrist in Rohini then you can follow the following things to manage or prevent stress-infused feelings.

  • Regular exercise
  • Yoga
  • Intake nutrition
  • Talk with friends and family
  • Reduce the intake of alcohol or drugs.

And if you think you are still stressed then you can consult any professional psychiatrist to whom you can talk and share what is actually bothering you and giving your stress.

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How to Know You Need to See a Psychiatrist?

Thinking is good, but overthinking is not good for your mental peace or health. This can be turned into severe depressive disorder. Similarly, stress is normal but, if you are too much stressed then it’s not good for your both mental as well as physical health. Whether it’s the death of a loved one or you are feeling depressed, you must know that you can get help from specialists to help you cope with depression, anxiety and other type of mental disorder. You can consult or see a psychiatrist in Rohini. But, how would you know when is the right time to see a psychiatrist? Before answering the question, we want to know that do you even know who is a psychiatrist and what does he do?

Let’s first know who is a psychiatrist and what does a psychiatrist do?

Who is a Psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor or specialist, who evaluate, diagnose and treat a person suffers from temporary or chronic mental health problems. Psychiatrist are not the general practitioners, in fact they are the medical doctors, who attend extra schooling for treating the people suffering from mental disorders.

Are Psychiatrists and Psychologists same?

Usually, people think a psychologist and psychiatrist are same. Because they work together for the well-being of a patient, suffering from mental disorder, the description of a psychiatrist and psychologist overlap. However, there are many crucial differences between the psychiatrist and psychologist and the main difference is the method or nature of the treatment within two professions.

Unlike the psychologist, psychiatrist are the medical doctors and can prescribe medication to treat your mental illness. So, do not get confused between psychologist and psychiatrist.

So, now as you know the difference between these two professions and also that what does a psychiatrist do, then you can know when and why you need to see a psychiatrist.

If you are just stressed and depressed and the condition is not severe then this can be treated by a psychotherapist, and there is no requirement to see a psychiatrist. Here know when you should actually need to see a psychiatrist for your mental health problem.

Time to See a Psychiatrist

Mild depression is the result of the traumatic or tragic incidence or events in a patient’s life. This would be diagnosed and treated by the psychiatrist. He will ask questions to you know the root of the problem so that he can prescribe the right medication and treat the patient.

Anxiety disorder is another common mental disorder that can be addressed by the psychiatrist. This disorder involves unexplained fear, negative thoughts, phobias, etc. which affect the patient’s mood, social life and career as well. Just like depression, anxiety disorder is also considered as mild psychiatric disorder and can be treated by the psychiatrist.

Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder but, this can be treated or cured with medication. This type of mental disorder requires careful evaluation and treated by medication. Schizophrenia is considered as chronic mental disorder, and there are many cases of successful recovery.

These are some of the common symptoms that say you need to see a psychiatrist. Now, let’s see what will happen when you will meet with a psychiatrist for the first time.

What Will Happen

The first appointment with your psychiatrist will be 1- 2 hours long. During the counselling, your doctor will ask you a few questions to know more about you. So, he will

  • Ask about your general health
  • Talk to you to know your health condition and symptoms
  • Ask to fill a questionnaire to diagnose the disorder
  • Know your family history

These things will help your doctor to know about your mental disorder so that he can reach to the root of the problem and prescribe medication to treat you.

Well, it might take a few appointments for full diagnosis, after which your doctor can make the right treatment plan for you. So, if the diagnosis is the completed then it’s time to make the treatment plan. The treatment will be the combination of therapies that suits your mental and physical health needs, personal preferences, age, etc. You and your psychiatrist will work together to make the treatment plan, which is right for you.

It is useful to do some preparation before the first appointment with your psychiatrist. you can call the best psychiatrist in Rohini to book your appointment and if you have any doubts then you can ask question while booking the appointment.

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A Psychologist or Psychiatrist? Who Can Help?

Before we will come to the main topic whether you should consult to a psychologist or psychiatrist, I have a question for you all. Do you know the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist? If no, then here is the answer.

Difference between Psychologist and Psychiatrist

“Psychologist” and “Psychiatrist” have many things in common and they are often used interchangeably to describe anyone who provides therapy services, but in reality the two professions have many crucial differences. Not only in terms of treatments provided by the two but, the education and the practice of the two professions also differ from each other. The main difference of the two is the treatment provided by them.


Psychiatrists are the medical doctors, who prescribe you medications to get recover from any mental disorder. They have a deep understanding of metal health as well as physical health and also they know how they can affect each other. Psychiatrists help people who are suffering from mental health problems like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorder and alcoholism.


A psychologist is a therapist, who do not prescribe medication and instead of that they opts for treatment that consists of talking. He is the one who will talk to you to know what your problem is or what is the main cause of your mental illness. He will talk about your problems, worries or fear, etc. Many psychologists hold a doctorate degree but, still they are not medical doctors. They will provide psychotherapy, which may involve cognitive and behavioral interventions.

Psychiatrist or psychologist?

Well, it is your personal preference that whom you will choose for the treatment but, still there are many things that you should consider while deciding which care provider you will choose. But, it is said that consulting someone who can talk with you to reduce your problems can help you to improve your mental health and it will help you getting over of your tress, depression and anxiety. If you think you only need medication and there’s no need of therapy then, you can consult a psychiatrist, who has a deep knowledge and understanding of physical and mental health. And, if you are experiencing stress, depression or anxiety then, you should consult to a psychologist, who can talk to you to know the main cause of your problems.

When to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist?


Coping with loss of a loved one may be one of the hardest challenges that we face in our life. It is not easier for us to deal with. Everyone handles the loss in their own ways. Grieving openly or privately are common ways but, there are some who cannot handle the loss of any closed ones and they face many problems. At such situation either a psychiatrist or a psychologist can help you find the correct ways to cope with the death of your loved one.

Stress and Anxiety

Taking stress is normal but, taking too much stress is not normal. We face many situations in life which give us stress or anxiety – from job interviews to relationship issues can make us feel anxious. If left to fester then it can lead to a depression or many other problems. If you feel that you or any of your family member always remain too much stressed then, you can consult a psychologist, who can help you by finding the cause of your problem.


The common signs of depression are feeling of helplessness or hopelessness. Well, it is a common disorder where people lose interest in things, experience fatigue and often face trouble in controlling their emotions.


Fear of spider, heights are the common phobias but, there are some unusual fears that can create many problems in your life and it should be treated as soon as possible.

Family and Relationship Issues

Relationships whether family, friends, personal or work-related, have their ups and downs but, if your relationship issues have started giving you too much stress or creating problems then, you should consult to a best psychologist or psychiatrist  in Rohini.

Mental Disorder

If you are facing mental disorders like bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder.

All these disorders and mental health problems can be treated by both the psychiatrist and psychologist as well. You need to only choose the right help for you to manage any stress, anxiety and phobias.

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Quick Tips for the Times You Fight Insomnia

3 AM and you still are flipping pillows and can’t fall asleep? Alert! It’s insomnia that you are suffering from. Insomnia is basically the inability to fall asleep and stay asleep. It makes it hard for you to get the right amount of sleep and leaves you feeling tired every morning. Some of the symptoms of insomnia include difficulty concentrating, difficulty falling sleep, waking up too early, frequent wake-ups, daytime sleepiness and others. If you are facing all these symptoms then you are surely having the sleeping disorder i.e. insomnia.

Below discussed are some of the good tips that you can follow to beat insomnia and have a good night’s sleep.

Tips to Fight Insomnia

  1. Invest in comfortable pillows and mattress- To get a better sleep, you must first invest in good pillows and mattresses. Note that when you sleep on an uncomfortable mattress with pillow held high, your back and neck tends to start aching and in many cases, it also leads to cervical spondylitis. So, if you have been avoiding spending money all this while on a branded mattress and pillow set then here is the time to get it now. Half of your worries will disappear when you are lying on a comfortable mattress.
  2. Turn off screens- Before you are off to bed, turn off all the screens at least 30 minutes prior to it. Note that the psychiatrists always suggest that you must disconnect yourself from phones, laptop, tablet, television and all the other devices. The reason behind is that the light that comes from these screens can make mind wakeful by keeping it on the alert mode. Ultimately, it will make you harder to sleep.
  3. Dim the lights before going to bed- When you plan to sleep, just dim the lights of the room to induce sleep. If you did not know it till now then know it now that bright lights can affect your possibility of getting quality sleep and can hinder with your peaceful night. It is known that the light suppresses the melatonin secretion. Melatonin is a hormone that influence the circadian rhythms in human body and tells it the time to sleep and awake.
  4. Stick to a schedule- It is better to stick to a schedule. Even if you are not able to sleep on time at night, you must try to get up at the same time every day. This will train your body to sleep at a particular time and get up at the same. It will help your body in adjusting to a clock and will push it to follow it on regular basis.
  5. Avoid alcohol and caffeine- If you are drunk then you may find it hard to have a sound sleep. According to the studies, it has been seen that smokers and drunkards develop symptoms of insomnia. The reason behind this would be that their bodies go into withdrawal mode at night when they are not smoking or drinking. So, it is better that not just before the bed but you should avoid or at least lessen the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes in your daily life. If you are an addict to alcohol or smoking then here is the high time. You need to make healthy alterations to your routine.
  6. Avoid long siestas- Siestas are naps that you take in the daytime. They are usually of 20 minutes but if you will extend it then you are likely to disturb your sleeping pattern at night. Since you will have the share of your night’s sleep in the day, you will find it hard to sleep on time at night. Thus, it is important to take the nap in the right way. Note that a good power nap can boost your creativity and can also improve your memory. Just remember not extend it to more than 20 minutes, in order to not disturb your slumber cycles.
  7. Try relaxation techniques- If you are still find it hard to sleep, you can always try relaxation techniques. Before you are off to bed, you can listen to some light music and can even do meditation. You can sit with your eyes closed with all ears to the music and just try to calm your mind. Trying this for a few days will train your body in that way only and you are likely to overcome the sleep disorder.

When nothing seems to work and hardly anything feels alright, it’s time to visit a good psychiatrist in Rohini. A psychiatrist would be the best person to guide you with the sleeping tips and adopt other treatment methods if your disorder has worsened. So, you must pay heed to the above discussed quick tips to have a sound sleep or visit a psychiatrist to get the disorder treated in the minimum possible time.

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Don’t Ignore These 8 Symptoms of Depression

Most people feel sad or low at times. Sadness, feeling hopeless, loss of pleasure in daily activities – these are some symptoms familiar to all of us. But when it prolongs and affects our life substantially then it is more than just sadness. It may be depression. In the case of depression, a person feel helpless, worthless and hopeless. It is a very common and serious medical illness that can negatively affect any person. Furthermore, depression can lead to several emotional and physical problems and can affect a person’s ability to function properly at work and at home. Fortunately, it is a treatable disease. You can consult a psychiatrist in Delhi to curb depression problems. In this article, I am going to tell you about symptoms of depression. You must know it so that you can earlier recognize the problems and find the best treatment for the same.

Top 8 Symptoms of Depression

Lack of Concentration: When you have difficulty in focusing on doing your daily activities such as reading books, watching television, listening to music, or talking to other people then it is may be a symptom of depression.

Irregular Eating Habits: When you lose your appetite or develop a tendency of overeating then it may be also a sign of depression. You should not take it easily. It can be a matter of concern.

Loss of Interest: When you find nothing really gives you pleasure anymore then it is a matter of concern. You may lose your interest of doing anything including hobbies and sex. It can be a big sign of depression.

Lack of Energy: A person may feel extremely tired all the time in the case of depression. Generally, a depressed person has little energy and not be interested to do their regular routine or do them with a lot of effort.

Doubt on Self-worth: You may have doubt on your self-worth. You may feel you are worthless and useless. There is no worth of your existence or life. In a general, you may treat yourself as a failure.

Irregular Sleeping Habits: You may find difficulty in your sleep habit. You may wakeup in the midnight or too early in the morning. Apart from this, you may find yourself in sleeping all the time, and struggle to wake up. In general, you may have irregular sleep habits.

Restlessness and Irregular Movement: Irregular movement is also a sign of depression. You may find yourself speaking much slower than you used to earlier. Or, you may moving around much more than usual. You find yourself restless.

Thoughts of self-harms: It is the major symptom of depression and hence you should never ignore it. You may have thoughts that you are useless and there is no need of your existence. You may think about harming yourself.


These are common symptoms a person in depression may feel. If you recognize any of aforementioned symptoms then you should talk to your loved ones. And, you must consult a good psychiatrist in Rohini without making delay. Depression is treatable and you can overcome it quickly with the aid of right psychiatry treatment.

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