Know The Diseases
If a person starts drinking too much alcohol and get addicted to it and becomes alcoholic then he is suffering from a mental disease called Alcoholism. Alcoholism is a mental condition in which ones frequently drinks too much of alcohol and not be able to live a normal and healthy life.
Anxiety Disorders
Sometimes we don't take it serious neither we are aware that we are suffering from Anxiety Disorder. It is a category of mental illness; you become anxious when you feel fear or tense. There are many symptoms of anxiety disorder like fast heart rate, sweating, dry mouth, feeling sick, chest pain, fast breathing, and headache.
Bipolar Affective Disorder
Bipolar affective disorder is also known as Manic Depression, it is a mental illness that brings severe high and low in moods and changes in sleep, energy etc. The person affected with this has periods in which they feel overly happily and energized and the other period feeling very sad.
Dementia is significant loss of intellectual abilities such as memory capacity that is severe enough to interfere with social and occupational functioning. Dementia is the most serious form of memory loss or memory problem.
We often use the word Depressed in our everyday life when we don't have a job or fails exams we get depressed with our problems, but sometimes this depression affects a person mentally for a longer period of time, they start feeling sad and upset and this affects their mind.
Generalixed Anxiety Disorder
We normally get tensed for something in our life and its normal but getting nervous and anxious about everything everyday then you are somehow affected with generalized anxiety disorder. The disorder comes on gradually and can begin across the life cycle, though the risk is higher between childhood and middle age.
The perception or complaints of having poor quality of sleep waking up frequently during the night and difficulty and difficult to sleep again, difficulty falling asleep in known as Insomnia and you becomes an insomniac.
Periodic attacks of headaches of one or both sides of head, the symptoms may vary from person to person and individual may have different symptoms during attack may be in length and frequency. The most common type of migraine is 'Migraine with aura' and 'Migraine without aura'.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Periodic attacks of headaches of one or both sides of head, the symptoms may vary from person to person and individual may have different symptoms during attack may be in length and frequency. The most common type of migraine is 'Migraine with aura' and 'Migraine without aura'.
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder categorized by recurring fear or panic attacks. Panic attacks may occur without a known reason; there are many symptoms of panic attacks like rapid heartbeat, strange chest sensations, shortness of breath, tingling and anxiousness.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
This is an anxiety disorder associated with serious trauma which you have been involved with or witnessed. During this trauma you feel fear and get scared, and this forced you to think of that trauma and this makes you to face difficulty falling asleep even if you want to avoid thoughts or conversation og the trauma.
Schizophrenia is a very serious mental illness in which someone cannot think or behave normal neither they can predict what is real and true and what is unreal. The cause of Schizophrenia is not known, but there appear to be both genetic and environmental component to the disease.
Social Phobia
This is an anxiety disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. When a person suffering from this he doesn't want to interact with people, its symptoms are including excessive blushing, sweating, rapid heartbeat, trembling, muscle tensions, nausea and extreme anxiety.
Psychiatry Services for Mental Wellness
Adolescent Problem
Alcohol Dependence
Anxiety Disorder
Dementia/Memory Problem
Smack/Heroin Dependence
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Psychological Problem
Psychosexual Disorder
Schizophrenia Psychosis
Seizure Epilepsy Disorder
Sleep Problem