How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Before knowing about the ways as how one can overcome social anxiety, it is necessary to know what actually social anxiety is. Social anxiety is the term used to describe a high level of shyness. Of course everyone feels shy or anxious in certain social environments, but for some people it can be a little more extreme. When this is the case it has a very debilitating affect on their lives and stops them doing the things they would like to. For example it may affect their confidence to go to college or work and impact on their confidence to make friends and enjoy their hobbies.

Situations that people often experience social anxiety in include:

  • Public speaking
  • Talking to authority figures
  • Talking to a group of people or an individual
  • Eating in public
  • Any performance based situations

This sometimes becomes embarrassing for the person. Only with the great will power to fight with the disease one can overcome this weakness. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies that we can use to reduce our social anxiety. These include:

  • Learning how to challenge our unhelpful thoughts and see things in a more realistic light.
  • Reducing our tendency of focusing on ourselves during social interactions.
  • Removing the use of avoidance and safety behaviours and gradually confronting our fears.

Challenging Unhelpful Thoughts

The way that we think about things has an impact on our social anxiety. Many of these thoughts occur outside of our control, and can be negative or unhelpful. It is therefore important to remember that they are just thoughts, without any real basis, and are not necessarily facts. Even though we may believe a lot of our unhelpful thoughts when we are socially anxious, it is good to remember that they should be questioned as they are often based on wrong assumptions.

The timely advice of psychiatrist is also required in the same. A psychiatrist can help you to overcome the situation so that, you may face your social challenges well and could stand tall in public.

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How to Recognize Emotionally Unstable Person by Their Behavior

It is through the behavior of a person that one can know about his mental condition and this is definitely true. Knowing about a person is only possible with his behavior and certainly there is no doubt in the same. But what are the behavioral changes or the strange behaviors that would let a person know that something is not right. In this article, we are going to highlight about the point only. Here we are mentioning some behaviors that would let know that the person is not emotionally stable.

Desire to be popular: Those who are attention seekers and always want to be popular shows that they don’t have a strong mental support. They don’t have confidence on themselves and hence seek the support of others in the same.

Doubts about Appearance: You’ll be surprised but even the most attractive people often have doubts about their appearance. And this is normal. You can’t always be 100% sure that you look perfect all the time. We all have bad days and bad moods and there are many other factors that can influence the way you look.

Caring Someone Else’s Opinion: Just live the life you want to live, don’t seek other’s interest in the same. If a person is all the time is seeking for the opinion or advice of others then it means that something is definitely not right with him.

Reaction to Refusal: Refusal is a part of life and a person who is not ready to understand the fact means he does not understand the things properly well. Getting extremely violent or distressed after refusal means the person is not in a stable mental condition.

Jealousy: Jealousy is also a sign of unstable emotional behavior. This is something that may vary from person to person. A bit of jealousy is okay but when the jealousy takes the violent form then it becomes dangerous.

Even if you are finding these points matching with your mental condition then it is required that you should consult a psychiatrist by the earliest. Dr. Shashi Bhushan is an experienced psychiatrist in Delhi who treats all type of mental illness.

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What are the Signs and Reasons of Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a disease in which there have been so many discussions so far. It is thought to be the result of a culmination of biological and environmental factors. Till now there are many researches and discussions that went on this theory and it concluded with that there are genetic, psychological, and social factors thought to play a role in the development of this chronic disorder.

Early Warning Signs

Early warning signs of schizophrenia often cannot be detected until adolescence. Indicators include social withdrawal, depression, difficulty paying attention, suspiciousness or hostility, expressionless gaze, difficulty sleeping, lack of personal hygiene, or irrational beliefs.

Schizophrenia is not predictable. Instead, a person has a certain level of risk that determines whether they may or may not develop the illness. Stress and drug abuse are considered common triggers in people who are at risk, which may result in the onset of psychosis. A person who is considered at risk for developing schizophrenia may also be triggered by stressors such as suffering a loss, experiencing abuse, or trauma. Using illicit drugs, particularly cannabis, amphetamines, LSD, or cocaine, can also trigger the onset.


Typically there is no single precipitating event that leads to the onset of schizophrenia. Onset usually occurs during late adolescence and early adulthood, a time when young people are transitioning into independent roles as adults. They take on more responsibilities, are thrust into new situations (e.g., going to college—sometimes far from home), and are making decisions and connections that will shape their career and life path in general. If they did not learn adequate coping skills to handle these rapid changes and without mental health support (e.g., counseling at a college health center), this transition can be fraught with turmoil. These types of situations could trigger the onset of schizophrenia. It could also drive an individual to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, which is also considered triggers.

Consult Dr. Shashi Bhushan, who is a reputed doctor for Schizophrenia treatment in Delhi, could definitely help you get over the disease and that too at the earliest. You can also book an appointment online or over phone and can even call Dr. Bhushan for home visit.

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7 Signs That You Have a Migraine

Migraine has become a very serious health issue in present time. As per the recent research done, it has been found that almost 30 percent of the world population is suffering from migraine and the data is really thinkable. The research conducted also shows that women are more likely to be the sufferers of migraine as compared to the men. Knowing about the signs of migraine is important because people tend to confuse it with headache which ultimately results in bad consequences by the end. In this article, we are mentioning here the signs that would tell that you have migraine. Understanding the disease is much important, if you want to fight with it.

Aura: Sensitivity to light is one amongst the common signs that suggests migraine. In many cases, it has been found that the person suffering from migraine becomes more sensitive towards light and sound.

Depression or Excitement: Depression or excitement or sometimes over anxiousness also suggests the signs of migraine.

Lack of Restful Sleep: Sleeping for a long time but still not getting restful sleep also suggests that the person is suffering from migraine.

Stuffy Nose or Watery Eyes: Stuffy nose or persistently watery eyes also suggests that the person is suffering from migraine. It is required that it should be treated on time before it becomes a serious disease.

Cravings: Cravings for things is common but when it becomes a constant activity then it might be migraine.

Throbbing Headache in One Side or Both Sides: One very common sign that defines migraine is throbbing or consistent headache in one side of head. In the rare case it also happens in both the side.  

Eye Pain: Pain in eyes is also the early sign of migraine. If this is happening for a longer period of time or the power of lenses is increasing then it is required to go for checkup.

These are the signs that suggest that the person is suffering from migraine. The early treatment is the only way to fight with the disease. Consulting a good and experienced doctor for treatment of migraine is required. Dr. Shashi Bhushan is a very renowned and trusted doctor for migraine treatment in Delhi.

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What is Schizophrenia and what are It’s Symptoms

Schizophrenia is definitely not a disease that is not known by people. It is a very serious mental illness that interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others. Although schizophrenia can occur at any age, the average age of onset tends to be in the late teens to the early 20s for men, and the late 20s to early 30s for women. It is uncommon for schizophrenia to be diagnosed in a person younger than 12 or older than 40.

It is possible to live well with schizophrenia. Hence, knowing that whether the person is suffering with some disease or it is just a common thing happening is a tough task to make out. If you are also thinking and researching on the same then in this article, we are going to highlight about what is schizophrenia and what are the symptoms of the same.

Hallucinations: It is a very common symptom of schizophrenia in which a person hears a sound or sees something that does not actually exists. It seems very real to the person who is seeing it but for their loved ones it is nothing but a lie. The voices in the hallucination can be critical or threatening. Voices may involve people that are known or unknown to the person hearing them.

Delusions: Delusion is, constantly believing on the things that are stored in the mind of a person even if he has been presented facts and figures in front of him. People who have delusions often also have problems concentrating, confused thinking, or the sense that their thoughts are blocked.

Negative Symptoms: The negative symptoms often include being emotionally flat or speaking in a dull, disconnected way. People with the negative symptoms may be unable to start or follow through with activities, show little interest in life, or sustain relationships. Negative symptoms are sometimes confused with clinical depression. This means that a person suffering from this would always be surrounded with negative symptoms only.

Cognitive Issues or Disorganized Thinking:  People with the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia often struggle to remember things, organize their thoughts or complete tasks. Commonly, people with schizophrenia have anosognosia or “lack of insight.” This means the person is unaware that he has the illness, which can make treating or working with him much more challenging.

This is all about Schizophrenia. If your loved one is suffering from the disease then it is required that you should consult a good doctor for same. Dr. Shashi Bhushan is a reputed doctor for Schizophrenia treatment in Delhi. You can contact the doctor for the top class treatment.

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Warning Signs of Anxiety Disorder You Should Not Ignore

Anxiety disorders are much more than just nervousness and worrying. They can cause terrifying fear about things that other people wouldn’t give a second thought to. Many people with anxiety disorders understand that their thoughts are irrational, but they still can’t stop them. To understand the disease better it is really required that one should closely monitor the symptoms of the same. In this very informative article, we are going to tell you about the warning signs of anxiety disorder that you should not ignore in any case. It is required that you should closely monitor the things and take the necessary action.

  • Poor daily self-care, such as refusing to perform personal hygiene habits, get out of bed, or eat is the early sign of anxiety disorder. This is something that should not be ignored in any case.
  • A sudden and extreme change in mood is also a sign of anxiety disorder. If it is happening for sometime then it is okay but in case this becomes a habit of every time then definitely there is something fishy.
  • Becoming violent, threatening, or aggressive suddenly also suggests that the person is suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder. It should be treated on time.
  • Abusing substances is also a warning sign that the person is suffering for some sort of mental illness which is probably anxiety disorder.
  • Appearing confused or having hallucinations also suggests that the person is suffering from anxiety disorder.
  • Talking about suicide or about not having a reason to live, if a person is showing behavior like this then it indicates that he is suffering from anxiety disorder and there is requirement of some sort of action for the same.

Treatment for anxiety disorders and depression needs to be administered and managed by a psychiatrist. Dr Shashi Bhushan is a trusted doctor for anxiety disorder treatment in Delhi.  Bipolar disorder, a condition in which emotions can swing from very low to very high levels of mania and depression, is treated much differently than anxiety disorder with depression.

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What is the Treatment of Anxiety Disorder?

Getting the proper treatment of anxiety disorder is necessary. There are people who become the worst sufferers of the same when they don’t get the proper treatment on time. Once the symptoms of anxiety disorder are identified, it is required that one should go for the treatment as soon as possible. There is no quick fix for anxiety. Overcoming an anxiety disorder takes time and commitment. Therapy involves facing your fears rather than avoiding them, so sometimes you’ll feel worse before you get better. The important thing is to stick with treatment and follow your therapist’s advice. If you’re feeling discouraged with the pace of recovery, remember that therapy for anxiety is very effective in the long run. You’ll get the benefits if you see it through.

Positive changes in your life and behaviour can also help you in coming over this disease. Everything from your activity level to your social life affects anxiety, hence it is required that you should deal with the things perfectly and adequately well. Set the stage for success by making a conscious decision to promote relaxation, vitality, and a positive mental outlook in your everyday life.

Learn The Diseases:  In order to overcome anxiety, it’s important to understand the problem, so, if you want to come over it then you have to first learn each and everything related to it. That’s where education comes in. Education alone won’t cure an anxiety disorder, but it will help you get the most out of therapy.

Socialize Yourself:  If you think that cutting yourself from the social circle will help you out then you are wrong. It is required that you should socialize yourself to get over the disease. Loneliness and isolation set the stage for anxiety. Decrease your vulnerability by reaching out to others. Make it a point to see friends; join a self-help or support group; share your worries and concerns with a trusted loved one.

Adopt Healthy Lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle will help you to fight with the disease harder. Physical activity relieves tension and anxiety, so make time for regular exercise. Don’t use alcohol and drugs to cope with your symptoms, and try to avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine, which can make anxiety worse.

Reduce Stress in Life: Examine your life for stress, and look for ways to minimize it. The less you would be stressed the faster you would recover. Avoid people who make you anxious, say no to extra responsibilities, and make time for fun and relaxation in your daily schedule.

Contact a good therapist for anxiety disorder treatment and fix the problem by the earliest. Only your timely approach and positive attitude will help you get over it.

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What are the Signs and Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Mental disorder has many forms and one very common disorder is obsessive compulsive disorder of simply OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that can disrupt your life, and involves repetitive thoughts that won’t subside. It frequently starts in childhood and can last a person’s entire life. OCD is not an easy mental disorder to understand, and therefore it can be difficult for medical professionals to diagnose. You may think you have it, but having a comforting routine or being a perfectionist is different than having constant intrusive thoughts that guide your actions. For your better understanding of the diseases, we are here mentioning few very common symptoms of OCD that will help you to understand it better.

Compulsive Hand-Washing: Hand washing is definitely not a disorder but if someone continuously repeats this act even if it is not necessary then it is a sign that something is really not right. The urge commonly stems from a fear of germs (the most common obsession seen in OCD), but it also can be rooted in fears of making others sick or of being impure or immoral.

Overzealous Cleaning: People with OCD who fall into the “washers” category also tend to clean compulsively. With hand-washing, housecleaning is often a way of easing germ phobia or feelings of impurity. Although cleaning can help chase these obsessive thoughts away, the relief does not last, and the urge to clean is often even stronger the next time.

Checking Behaviour: Checking behaviours like returning three, four, or even 20 times to make sure the oven is off or the front door is locked are the most common compulsions associated with OCD, affecting nearly 30% of people with the disorder. Like other compulsive behaviours, checking can be driven by a variety of obsessions, ranging from a fear of getting hurt to deep-seated feelings of irresponsibility.

Counting: Some people with OCD perform tasks according to a certain numeric pattern or count to themselves as they do everyday things (such as climbing stairs or cleaning). These behaviors may be driven by superstitions. For instance, a belief that the number seven is good may lead someone to feel that they’ll hurt themselves or someone else if they don’t take seven steps at a time.

Organization: People with OCD can take organizing to the level of perfectionism. They just want everything to be organized at every inch of perfection and a small loophole can irritate them.

Fears of Violence: Everybody has fleeting thoughts about the possibility of being affected by violence or other misfortunes. The more we try to avoid thoughts like this, the more they pop into our heads, research shows and this appears to be especially true for people with OCD.

These are few very common symptoms of OCD. It is necessary to get a timely treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder. You can contact Dr. Shashi Bhushan who is a dignified doctor for obsessive compulsive disorder treatment in Delhi.

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Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children

A common mental disorder is obsessive compulsive disorder. Understanding this behaviour in children is unfortunately a big mystery for people. Many people, including many psychotherapists, mistakenly think that OCD in children and adolescents is rare. As a result, children and adolescents with OCD are frequently misdiagnosed with depression, ADHD, conduct disorder, or other conditions. In actuality, childhood-onset OCD is fairly common, occurring in approximately 1% of all children. Furthermore, recent research indicates that approximately half of all adults with OCD experience clinical symptoms of the disorder during their childhood. In this article, we are going to highlight few very important symptoms of OCD in children. Understanding these symptoms, you could be able to know if your child is suffering from the same or not.

Symptoms of Childhood and Adolescent OCD

A very important point to be mentioned here is that, the symptoms of childhood-onset OCD vary widely from child to child. Some common obsessions experienced by children and adolescents with OCD include:

  • exaggerated fears of contamination from contact with certain people, or everyday items such as clothing, shoes, or schoolbooks
  • excessive doubts that he/she has not locked the door, shut the window, turned off the lights, or turned off the stove or other household appliance
  • marked over-concern with the appearance of homework assignments
  • excessive worry about symettrical arrangement of everyday objects such as shoelaces, school books, clothes, or food
  • fears of accidentally harming a parent, sibling or friend
  • superstitious fears that something bad will happen if a seemingly unconnected behavior is done (or not done)

Other than these mentioned above, there are some common compulsions experienced by children and adolescents with OCD include:

  • Compulsive washing, bathing, or showering
  • Ritualized behaviors in which the child needs to touch body parts or perform bodily movements in a specific order or symmetrical fashion
  • Specific, repeated bedtime rituals that interfere with normal sleep
  • Compulsive repeating of certain words or prayers to ensure that bad things don’t occur
  • Compulsive reassurance-seeking from parents or teachers about not having caused harm
  • Avoidance of situations in which they think “something bad” might occur

A timely consultation is something that is required for the best treatment. Don’t get confused with the symptoms with other disorders. You can contact Dr. Shashi Bhushan who is a dignified doctor for obsessive compulsive disorder treatment in Delhi.

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6 Most Trusted Ways to Control Anxiety

Anxiety is a problem and sometimes it becomes a serious issue. Suffering from anxiety means that a person does not has control over his emotions and thoughts. Suffering from anxiety means that you have a fight or flight system that is over-active and you can’t control your fears, your physical sensations, and more. This is a very serious issue and really needs to be detected on time and more than that a timely treatment for everything is also required.

Well, you must have gone through many articles that might describe you about the ways and techniques through which you can control your anxiety and you must have found that those are the repetitive ideas and information. To help you in getting the best solution for the same, we are here with the most trusted ways that you can implement to control your anxiety.

Stop over Thinking: The first thing that you are supposed to do in this regard is to stop over thinking about the issue. The more you would think about it the more it will panic you, so the best way is to calm down the thoughts in mind.

Calm down: The best control over anxiety is self control only. To get rid of the issue, you must try to calm down the thoughts that are running in your mind because ultimately at the end it would benefit you only.

Relax Body: Don’t stress out yourself but try to relax your body. This is very much required. You should handle the things well because ultimately you have to take care of yourself. Relax your body and remove the stress.

Recognize All Panic Attack Ends: One thing that would help you to get over the issue is that you should recognize that all the panic attack ends. Considering this in mind, you could definitely come out of the same.

Keep Body Stress in Check: You should keep your body stress in check. This is a required act as it may help you to fight with the anxiety which is going on there in your mind.

Divert Your Mind: And, the last think that would genuinely help you to come out of the stress is diverting your mind. If you would divert your mind then you can come out of the situation for sure.

So, these are few of the genuine and best ways to come out of the anxiety stress. But, before everything else consulting an experienced doctor for anxiety disorder treatment is also required. Timely medication for the same would help you to overcome the problem.

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