How to Recognize Emotionally Unstable Person by Their Behavior

It is through the behavior of a person that one can know about his mental condition and this is definitely true. Knowing about a person is only possible with his behavior and certainly there is no doubt in the same. But what are the behavioral changes or the strange behaviors that would let a person know that something is not right. In this article, we are going to highlight about the point only. Here we are mentioning some behaviors that would let know that the person is not emotionally stable.

Desire to be popular: Those who are attention seekers and always want to be popular shows that they don’t have a strong mental support. They don’t have confidence on themselves and hence seek the support of others in the same.

Doubts about Appearance: You’ll be surprised but even the most attractive people often have doubts about their appearance. And this is normal. You can’t always be 100% sure that you look perfect all the time. We all have bad days and bad moods and there are many other factors that can influence the way you look.

Caring Someone Else’s Opinion: Just live the life you want to live, don’t seek other’s interest in the same. If a person is all the time is seeking for the opinion or advice of others then it means that something is definitely not right with him.

Reaction to Refusal: Refusal is a part of life and a person who is not ready to understand the fact means he does not understand the things properly well. Getting extremely violent or distressed after refusal means the person is not in a stable mental condition.

Jealousy: Jealousy is also a sign of unstable emotional behavior. This is something that may vary from person to person. A bit of jealousy is okay but when the jealousy takes the violent form then it becomes dangerous.

Even if you are finding these points matching with your mental condition then it is required that you should consult a psychiatrist by the earliest. Dr. Shashi Bhushan is an experienced psychiatrist in Delhi who treats all type of mental illness.

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